Mylar bags provide your sealed packed packaging for your different marketing products. Plastic bags are most popular packaging bags but are not much favorable for food storage purpose. Mylar bags are sturdy and safe for the shipping purpose and it is not very easy to tear the Mylar packaging bags.

Plastic bags are commonly use for the packaging or different edible and food items, but you can’t do printing on these plastic bags, get fine quality graphic result on the Custom Mylar packaging bags. These plastic bags are thin in quality that’s why can tear easily and are not so much secure for the shipment of the food products as they are not totally air tight.
Plastic bags are not safe as they are not resist to heat, light and moisture and these three are the big enemy of your food. Custom packaging bags made of Mylar stock are resistant to heat, light and moist. Their reflexive surface does not absorb heat or light, these bags are also called oxygen absorber packaging bags that why they are perfect to carry your food and other edible products.
Give a long life to your food items by packing them is robust and moist free sealed food packaging bags.
Cons of plastic bags:
Heat absorber
Can tear easily
Made of thin plastic layer
Cant made of recycle material
Unhygienic for storage purpose.
Not a favorable stock for printing
Customize printing can’t be done with better results
Pros of using Mylar bags:
Does not absorb heat in fact they have a reflective surface.
Can’t tear easily, Mylar stock is sturdy enough.
Sturdy Mylar bags protect your product while shipment
Sealed bags maintain the taste of food.
Resealing tape or zipper pouches keeps your food item fresh till its last chunk.
Cheaper and easy to print, you can do foil stamping and spot UV on these Mylar pouches.