Consider how you can create impactful and functional packaging without compromising the packaging quality and customer’s experience. Packaging structural ensures that it is both safe and user friendly for your customers.

Vape and its products are delicate products. Sometime different companies prefer to deliver their products in wholesale packaging boxes. Like you order for Custom vape juice boxes in which Vape juices of six different flavors can be pack inside a single box. Or vape cartridge of 12 different types is packed in a wholesale box. In this type of cases you need packaging inserts for your Custom Vape juice Cartridge box.
Whether it’s being distributed to retailers or being shipped to customers, the right packaging will prevent Vape damage, give an unbelievable unboxing experience to your customers with Custom vape packaging (
Inserts offer more protection as well as a high end customized feel to your products.
Different types of packaging inserts are available in the market to deliver and ship your vape and its related products securely to their desire locations. Some of the popular inserts are detailed below:
Foam inserts offer a firm and luxurious softening around your Vape products. Typically these inserts will be used to package vape cartridges as well as products with multiple components.
Cardboard inserts offer versatile and cost effective protection to your products. Typically used for a large variety of not-so-fragile products like vape pen, which is packed solely?
Plastic tray inserts offer a lightweight and cost effective way to protect a variety of different products. Typically things like vape cartridge single refile.
Molded pulp inserts offer a more sustainable way of protecting your products. Typically multiple products can packed with such type of inserts.
Kraft paper and corrugated cardboard box packaging is recycled, protective and very versatile in regard to design and printing, these ecofriendly packaging material are ideal for vape packaging.